Monday, July 19, 2010

so here's to health!

Well here we go, I've started a blog to track my own fitness/health/eating! I love reading other people's health & wellbeing blogs, and I am hoping it will be beneficial to start my own.

I should give a brief introduction of myself first, in case you stumble upon this page and are wondering about the author!

So here goes - my name is Kim, I've just recently turned 26 and I live in a town called Bendigo here in Australia. I have always been very interested in healthy eating and exercise, but neither has come naturally to me. If I could healthily survive on Kinder Bueno bars and pizza I most likely would. I don't have a body that is 'naturally thin' either, although I weigh about 65kg (which in the scheme of things isn't terrible by any means) and I'm 5 foot 4. I'm definitely pushing the upper echelons of the healthy height for weight range - but I don't really vouch for how reliable BMI scores are.

This is me, with my sister - I'm on the left, with the glasses!

I joined a gym last year, but have never really 'committed' highly to it. I had a friend who was living in my town, who used to be my gym buddy - however she has now moved about a 2 hour drive away, so being gym buddies is no longer feasible! I can find it very difficult to self motivate, but I do go through phases of LOVING exercise and gym.
It's definitely a love hate relationship!

As for my job - I work for a bank in their head office, so it's very much a sit-down computer based role. It's not what I saw myself doing for a career...I have my Bachelor's degree in Psychology, and whilst I find it interesting I don't know if I could handle it as a long term career - which is probably why I've never really actively pursued a role in the field. I would love to go back to University and study naturopathy or something like that, but it's a matter of time & money. I don't know how much I could justify it!

Anyway - onto today's exercise!

I went to the gym this morning, as I'm off work on annual leave for a couple of weeks. My gym (Fernwood) is having a 6 week challenge at the moment, which goes by the name "Tour De Fox". It's a really fun concept in my opinion. Basically, there's 6 tasks to do, which can be spread however you like across the 6 week timeframe. There's a 169km bike ride, to simulate the Tour De France, a 50km row to simulate rowing across a certain river (can't remember which one!), stepper challenges which are supposed to be like climbing particular mountains, running/walking 42km like a marathon - and a couple more which have escaped my memory. I managed to ride 27.5km today, so I've marked it down in my Tour De Fox booklet. Harder than it seems! The legs don't hurt as much as the butt, bike seats definitely don't appear to be designed for comfort!

I didn't have any breakfast before gym (BIG mistake, this is something I need to start doing every morning!) so I popped to the supermarket afterwards and picked up some food:

I'm obsessed with Crunchola cereal. It's somewhat pricey ($5.99 for a 450g box) but it's amazing, especially when you mush it around in a bowl with Vanilla yogurt rather than milk. Yum. I had to pick up some vanilla latte sticks because I have been craving a store bought coffee for days & this is the nearest thing to it from a supermarket. Mmmm frothy coffee goodness. The juice is an apple & forest berries juice, which was quite nice.

The other thing I bought was an Anti-Ox bar from the health food section of the supermarket. It's by a brand called Well Naturally. I don't really know much about the health breakdowns on packaging - but it was tasty. Sorta tasted like a healthy, grainy cherry ripe. Yum. I'd like to find out a bit more about the health benefits of Goji berries - I've heard good things but have no clue about why they are so revered!

I also took the dog for a quick walk this afternoon - it was only about 20 minutes worth, but we had a pretty quick pace going on! Feeling like I've accomplished a bit today. Dinner is cooking, washing done, dishes done, gym done. Life's good!

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